Librem One Quickstart
Thank you for joining Librem One. Your subscription supports our growing bundle of ethical services, without giving up your digital civil rights.
Account management
Visit your profile page if you want to invite members to your family pack:
Get the bundle
- Get the bundle (or use the store buttons below):
- Librem One app hub (Android only, iOS coming soon)
- Librem Chat (Android, iOS)
- Librem Social (Android, iOS)
- Librem Tunnel (Android, iOS)
- Librem Mail (Android only, install OpenKeychain too)
- Sign in to each app with your Librem One address and passphrase
- Enjoy your digital freedom! (Scroll down for more detailed instructions.)
Librem Chat
Call or text someone you know
- Launch the Librem Chat app
- Click the “Add” button next to “People”
- Search for the user, for example
- Invite them to chat
- Enable encryption in your one-on-one chatroom
- Start typing, or hit the “Call” button
You can also search for users outside the Librem One domain.
Join a community chatroom
- Launch the Librem Chat app
- Click the “Add” button next to “Rooms”
- In the search box, enter a whole or partial room name, like
- In the search results, check the room topic to review community rules and what’s on-topic
- Click on the room to join
- Ask questions and help others!
You can also join rooms outside the Librem One domain. Remember, if a room isn’t private anyone can read conversations; messages are deleted after 30 days.
Librem Social
See what everyone is posting
- Launch the Librem Social app
- In the search bar, enter a topic you care about, like
- Select a hashtag from the results
- Now you can see all posts on that topic
You only see posts on topics you search for. Results will include posts from outside the Librem One domain.
Follow someone you know
- Launch the Librem Social app
- Search for someone using their full address, like
- Click the “Follow” icon
You may have to wait for approval before your friend’s posts appear in your social inbox.
Share your thoughts with the world
- Launch the Librem Social app
- Capture your thoughts in 500 characters or less
- Use hashtags to make your post discoverable
- Click “Post!”
Remember, your posts are shared under CC BY-SA 4.0 so that anyone can share and remix them.
Librem Tunnel
Secure your connection (Android)
- In your browser, open your Librem One profile
- Activate your tunnel connection (if it isn’t already active)
- Launch the Librem Tunnel app
- Download your tunnel certificate
- Enable the connection
Secure your connection (iOS)
- In your browser, open your Librem One profile
- Activate your tunnel connection (if it isn’t already active)
- Launch the Librem Tunnel app
- Enter your Librem One credentials
- Enable the connection
Librem Mail
Send encrypted mail (Android)
- Install OpenKeychain from Google Play and generate a key
- Add the key of the person you know to your keychain
- Launch the Librem Mail app
- Write a message
- Encrypt it with their key
- Hit send!
Send encrypted mail (other platforms)
To use Librem Mail on other platforms, see the guides How to use PGP on GNU/Linux, on Windows and on macOS by the Electronic Frontier Foundation. The relevant configuration details are:
- Account type: IMAP
- Host name:
- Outgoing mail server:
- Port numbers and other values are the protocol defaults
Thank you
Thank you again for joining the ethical service revolution! To help others leave Big Tech, share a link to Librem One.
To find compatible apps on other platforms, delete your Big Tech accounts, or dig into technical detail read the FAQ.